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A MARUG membership costs only €8 per academic year, (€4 for the remaining year if you apply after the 1st of February) and has many benefits. After graduation, a student membership will be automatically converted into a MARUG Plus Membership which costs €11,50 for the first year and €23 yearly for the following years. A MARUG membership will be in force for an entire academic year unless terminated before the 1st of September, by sending an e-mail to secretaris@marug.nl.
By applying for a MARUG membership, you authorize the Marketing Association of the University of Groningen (Nettelbosje 2,9747 AE Groningen, account number NL93ABNA0539425877) to write off the yearly contribution from your bank account. Furthermore, you accept the internal regulations and the privacy policy the of the MARUG.
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