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Meet the new candidate secretary - Job Hazeleger

Hello everyone, 

My name is Job Hazeleger, i am currently 20 years old and next year i will be the secretary of the new MARUG board. I enjoy going to the gym, sailing and skiing. I am also always up for a good conversation while cooking or having a drink. And with that I get a lot of energy from contact with friends and family. 

At the moment I am doing BSc Business Administration, second year. Until now I have learned a lot and I experience it as an enjoyable study, but still something was missing. I missed a challenge and felt the need to put the knowledge I had learned into practice. 

This is how I ended up at the MARUG. After a few conversations with the current board and the new chairman, I became enthusiastic about this board year and about the MARUG. The principle that you can work together with a group of enthusiastic people towards goals, use your knowledge and expand your network gives me a lot of energy. So with that I am convinced that this board year is exactly what I am looking for.

I'm really looking forward to getting started and don't hesitate to get in touch.
