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Socials and Active Members Activities

MARUG Socials 

Once a month the legendary MARUG socials take place in 't Vaatje. These socials are very popular and the perfect opportunity to get to know the other members better. During the drinks, new committees are introduced and the MARUG member of the month is announced. And, not unimportant, you can drink beer, wine and soft drinks for only €1,- until 1 am! The MARUG socials are open to all MARUG members! This year (2024-2025) the MARUG get-togethers will take place on the following dates: October 21, November 27, February 17, April 10 and May 19.

(Pre-) MSc Marketing Socials

Two times a year the (Pre-) MSc Marketing Socials take place in Café Zwarte Schaap. This is a social gathering where these students can get to know each other. It is a good moment to shake off all the stress of studying and exams and have a beer with your fellow students. You might even find a study buddy! These socials are open to all (Pre-) MSc Marketing members! This year the (Pre-) MSc Marketing socials will take place on the following dates: November 7and on February 10

Active Members Activity/ Weekend

To make sure that all active members get to know each other, the PAC organises an active member actvitity twice a year and also an active member weekend. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know the other committees. The activity and weekend is all about fun activities and games, lots of chatting and meeting new people. The weekend ends with a fantastic costume party! This year the Active Members Weekend will take place on March 1-2 and the activity will be on October 21, 2024


Every year the MARUG celebrates Sinterklaas together with all its active members. Sinterklaas is a typical Dutch holiday that rewards children who have been good. On this evening, also called PACjesavond, every active member is put in the spotlight. The PAC writes poems about all active members and the board. Also, the board will make a poem about the PAC. All the gossip of the active members will be revealed! The PAC night will take place on November 27, 2023.

Active Members BBQ

To thank the active members for the last time in the academic year, the PAC organises the Active Members BBQ every year. This is a great time to look back on a great year together, while enjoying a (vegetarian) burger and a beer. There are some great games being organised and it is a fantastic ending every year. This year the Active Members Barbecue will take place at May 28, 2025.